
TBC is a free, open-source, community-supported database of interdisciplinary assignments and assignment scaffolds, adaptable to any discipline within the art and design curriculum. Assignments have at their core an anti-colonialist critique of Western knowledge production and dissemination, and seek to challenge established systemic hierarchies surrounding race, class and gender.

The project was initially set up with the help of a DEI Faculty Fellowship from Pratt Institute, but is now open access, and not attached to any specific institution.


Geared towards educators in the fields of art and design, assignments are free to download and may be adapted to your own curricular requirements. All we ask in exchange is for you to consider contributing your own to be shared with our community. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions on how to design an assignment; group workshops/ skill shares are offered based on demand.

Assignments will be selected according to their potential to





Sandra is currently a full-time, associate professor of foundations at MassArt, Boston.

She has taught since 2014 at various institutions including Parsons, The New School, Pratt Institute, Moore College of Art and Design, among many others.